Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wrapping this up. Mostly.

Well, it's that time of year - the end of the semester. Except this time, I'm graduating! I'm approaching a busy summer - moving, traveling, and at the end, I'm getting married!

For those of you that didn't know, I've been writing this blog as a requirement for a class. I've also very much enjoyed writing it, but I may not have time to continue it, at least not in the detail that I'd like. I'll probably still post on this from time to time, but for the most part, you will not see too many more posts on this blog. Definitely if something new happens in the world of quantum mechanics, and I have the time, I'll add a post.

I'd like to time a moment to thank my readers, which were separated into two groups - the ones that had to read my blog (and others) because they were in the class, and the ones that wanted to. An extra special thanks to the readers that took the time to read my blog, even when it wasn't required!  I'd also like to thank Mr. James Redford for a LENGTHY discussion about Tipler's theory of everything - it was my first real blog debate I had.

It's been great, and I hope to see you all around, but for now, good bye!

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